Saturday, March 3, 2012

More Seed Starting of Round 2 for 2012

I planted another seed tray tonight.
12 pods of each: spinach, arugula, salad mix, cilantro, pok choi, Komatsuma Tendergreen
I also planted 1 open flat of Yellow Wonder Wild Strawberry, these are supposed to be the best strawberries in the history of the world! They are the smallest seeds I have ever handled. It took my best effort not to just dump the seeds in one spot and call it quits. The scatter method was even difficult with seeds this small. 
We now have 5 flats in the new grow station under the grow table.
Pepper progress is changing daily! 
I swear they are twice as big as the day before, each time I look at them

Thanks for reading!


Lacey said...

Yahoo, I love seeing "starts" this time of year? Do you guys know when you'll be selling them this year?

Mike said...

Typically we do a cold weather crop sale around April 15th, which is the lettuces, broccoli, cabbage, onions, and all that stuff. We usually do our big plant sale of the warm weather crops right around May15th, tomatoes, peppers, cucs, squashes and all of the other fun stuff!

Lacey said...

Thanks Mike :)

Garage Workbench.

Recently with our move to the new house I  had the opportunity to make a work bench in the garage to consolidate my tools that were in box...