Kelsi and I have a large cherry tree in our backyard. It has to be 40 or 50 years old. We haven't ever seen it really produce anything worth climbing the tree for.
Well, not this year!
We ended up picking 5gallons in about an hour.
This is about half of them.
We decided to make jelly out of them. We had some success last year with grape jelly, but I was a little worried about how much sugar the pectin required. It came out pretty sweet when we tried them, but still good.
So, this year we used a new pectin. There is a recipe card inside with all sorts of different ways to sweeten the recipe. We tried them all!
Since we were experimenting with different recipes we opted to use the smaller water bath shown above. Im not sure if that is what it is for, but it holds 5 half-pint jars perfectly! We made a small test batch of several recipes, each of which produced 4-6 half pints. So the smaller water bath worked well!
I had to bring out the big water bath and the big pot for the next recipe. We made cherry pie filling with the remaining 10lbs of cherries we had. It is from the Ball Canning Book and it is delicious! We ended up with an extra half quart which I have been snacking on! Yumm.
Cherry Pie filling- 6quarts
Cherry Jelly sweetened with 1c honey- 5 half pints
Cherry Jelly sweetened with 1c sugar- 5 half-pints
Cherry Jelly sweetened with 2c sugar- 5 half-pints
This was a cherry recipe my mom used to make when I was a kid. We made it because I used to love it! We used our pectin, so we halved the sugar. Family Cherry Jelly sweetened with 2c sugar- 6 half-pints
Thanks for reading!