Friday, April 23, 2010

The greenhouse is finished!

So this is a bit of old news here, but we finished framing the greenhouse, framed in some vents, built a door, and covered the whole thing with soft plastic. We did this is all about two or three weeks ago, but we have been kinda slacking on the updates.
This is what it looks like on the inside. We used 1/4 in hardware cloth as a shelving topper and it is working really well. On the right you can see our gebera daisy plants for the wedding center pieces. Also on the right are some tomatoe plants that we recently transplanted into larger pots

Here are the tomatoes. They are getting so big. They look much shorter than they are because we buried the plant rather deeply when we transplanted to make long deep roots.
This is one of the gerbera daisy flowers soaking up the sun

Some melon and squash starts at different stages of growth.
Looks pretty good set amongst the green field grass.
Some starter trays enjoying the warmth of the greenhouse
Not greenhouse related but this is how Mere looks at two months old. She is so small still. She also has a mohawk. Very cute one at that.
Duck, duck, goose
This is one of the gates that goes into the meater's yard, it had this slope down to it that we weren't using and looked rather unsightly. So we had the great idea to a pond form there, we found it for free on Craigslist. It works pretty well so far and fills that void very well.
This is the angle of the land and you can see why it fits so well for us.

That's it. Thanks for reading!


Anonymous said...

Great job on the greenhouse. Looks like you all have been having fun in it planting.

The duck, duck, goose picture is adorable.

Anonymous said...

hi kels, hi mike, looks like you two have quite the operation goin on. thats very cool, kels wish you could have been with me when you were young,you would of liked this kind of stuff and understood what kind of thought and beauty is in all things of nature. wish you went camping, canoeing, backpacking,hiking, all the things that make a person connect with things like this sooner. i also want to say to mike im sorry for hardassing you so much. you make kels happy, and im for that,kels i love you wish i could have done a lot of different things with you. mike hang in there you will be a part of my heart as well... ABN

Kelsi said...


Garage Workbench.

Recently with our move to the new house I  had the opportunity to make a work bench in the garage to consolidate my tools that were in box...