Hmm... How strange. What could be in that tree?
Is that a chicken? I dont understand. Chickens dont sleep in trees.
Mom: Oh.. Hello there, Samuel. I have been wondering where you sleep at night. Im happy to see you at keeping yourself safe in the darkness.
Sam: Hi Mom. I'm the bravest chicken of all and have the wings of an Eagle. I will protect the ladies from my 14ft high roost and alert them of any dangers.
Mom: Okay, Sam. Ill see you in the morning.
It's cool to see the birds in the trees like they would be in the wild. Once it gets dark our turkeys on into the the trees, but if you try and get them out the hiss like cats and try to peck you. The problem we have found with letting the birds sleep in the trees, is that they come down early in the morning as soon as its light out. Which is when the coyotes are out hunting. We lost a few birds before we learned our lesson, everyone goes in at night.
He does look happy up there. I like your new header picture.:)
LOL! I love the mom/sam conversation, too cute!
none of my birds go up in the trees ( even the turkeys are too big now) so I am safe to get them all in the coops at night.....
mind you the guinea fowl always make a play for their graveyard elm
OMG thats the funniest thing I have ever read! I love it!!!!!!
My banties do the same thing! I'm worried about what they'll do this winter, goofballs!
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