I wandered to the greenhouse with a pouty face hoping to get some work done even though it was pretty cold out.

Then I saw the thermostat! Look at those temperatures! With the prior plastic this would have never happened. So warm even when it was cold outside. Probably at least 15-20degrees warmer. (Both of those temperatures are on the inside; I put the thermostats in different places to accurately judge the temp)
So I turned my excitement into work mode.
I loaded all of the beds up with generous heaps of our home brewed compost.
Then I tilled it in. We are ready to plant.
I also took some time to fill up all these starter pots. We are going to plant them this afternoon. Lettuce, chard, spinach, broccoli, and flower packs!
We'll let the greenhouse soak up some more sun and then we are going to plant like crazy. I should also study for my test on Monday. Ohh spring! So much fun stuff to do! Much better than studying!
Thanks for reading!
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