Saturday, May 28, 2011

Growing Vegetables in the Greenhouse

The great thing about having a greenhouse is that we can grow beautiful plants earlier than possible outside. 
Such as the case with this beautiful Tigerella Tomato. 

We planted a lot of rows of carrots in the tomato bed for companion planting. Buy the book Carrots Love Tomatoes to learn more about what plants grow well together and plants that actually help each other grow. Great resource. We plant by this book.
This is our broccoli bed. We have six huge plants growing in here. We are getting better at broccoli. Last years crop failed big time. But we are learning. If you look closely you can see a couple potato plants coming in between the two plants on the left. Oops.
The leaves are massive!
Hopefully the heads grow pretty quick before the plant decides to go to seed.
This is our cabbage bed, which is also doing quite well.
Minus the little nibble marks from the slug, these plants are doing very well.
They are even starting to form heads!
Bok choy is new to us this year. It is one of my favorite veggies, so we had to plant it. It is doing well.
The plants are huge, although the picture doesn't do a great job of capturing the size.
Unfortunately, the plant grew very tall and appears to be going to seed. The stalks don't seem thick enough yet to eat.
Do you grow bok choy? Any thoughts to share?
This is the massive bok choy leaf.
A bunch of sunflowers anxiously waiting to go out side!
Lettuce bed, We are almost out of lettuce already!

How is your garden and greenhouse doing?

Thanks for reading!


Mr. H. said...

Your greenhouse crops look fantastic. Our boc choy always seems bolt to seed too soon as well.

Mike said...

We actually ate it last night! Delicious

Garage Workbench.

Recently with our move to the new house I  had the opportunity to make a work bench in the garage to consolidate my tools that were in box...