Businesses that have great customer service are becoming increasingly rare. It seems that making a 'buck' is a little more important than treating people right.
That's why I was annoyed when I broke my favorite spading fork. I use this tool more than any other. This tool is the boss in the garden and can handle anything in the chicken coop. A truly versatile tool. I noticed on the label that it said five year warranty. So, I contacted Ames True Temper customer service. They had me take some photos of the tool for them and they promptly replied to tell me that they will be sending me a new one.
Sure enough! A week later this big box was at our door!
My brand new spading fork! Looks like it has a little more reinforcement in the area that broke on my other one. Hopefully I can get years of service out of this one too!
Thanks for the great customer service True Temper!
Nice! It is always great to find those rare companies that stick by their products.
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I would love to buy a spading fork from them! That was some serious craftsmen ship on the ax and handle
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