Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Our Second Batch of Meaters

This Saturday Kelsi and I went to the airport and picked up our second batch of meater chicks from the USPS distribution center. This time instead of the cornish variety, we bought 30 Deleware chicks from McMurray Hatchery. We were pleasantly surprised when we opened up the box and noticed that their were well over 30 chicks in there. I guess they packed in ten extra Red Star males for warmth for free. We liked that! 
So now we have 40 meater chicks in the brooder box! We will be looking for customers these next few weeks and hope to have a successful batch of meat chickens. Thanks for all of your support in advance!
My wonderful wife to be helping the chicks into their new home
Let us know if you want to be a part of our chicken service! We will work out the details but here is a rough outline as posted in an earlier entry
This was today. All the chicks slept in a big ol' pile
Very much unrelated but we cleaned out the coop a couple days ago. We then filled the two 3.5ft tall by 3ft wide compost bins full of chicken bedding and poooo. If you all remember, we got them for free on Arbor Day at the Spokane compost fair.
That's a lot of fertilizer! In 6 months to 1yr........
Also while cleaning out the coop I found these old signs on a shelf covered in dust. They are from the old homesteading days of the prior farmers. It is kind of ironic that our hens share the same space as these signs, the signs which represent everything we are working so hard to get away from.

That's it! Thanks for reading!


Rachelle said...

Hi there, I live in Spokane as well and my hubby and I are raising meat birds and organic layers. Can we find out how you fed your meat birds organic? We can't find organic meat bird feed:(
They are almost finished now. maybe next time we can grow them organic. I know they are going to be much healthier than the store meat anyways though!

Kelsi said...

Rachelle, we have been feeding all of our birds the organic pellets from aslin finch.. however, we couldnt find any chick starter until just a few days ago. We found this great couple up in 9 mile that sells it out of their home. We are going to be buying all of our feed from there from now on. The feed is made in washington, so I feel better about buying from there. More sustainable. :-) Their website is http://www.wholesomefeed.com/page_egg_layers.aspx

Check it out and tell me what you think.

Their number is 509.251.0265 They are great people and have the cutest goats.

Garage Workbench.

Recently with our move to the new house I  had the opportunity to make a work bench in the garage to consolidate my tools that were in box...