Thursday, March 24, 2011

Our dog, Juliette, is very ill.

We have had Juliette for nearly 4 years now. She just turned 4 on the 9th of March. We have known that Juliette has kidney disease since she was very young. We were told she may live for "several years". Juliette has recently taken a turn for the worst.  She started out not eating a few days ago which was ok for her, since somedays she just doesn't want to eat. Then she became very fatigued and tired. Yesterday she developed a cough so we decided it was time to get to the vet. When we got there she was running a high fever so they ran some blood tests and discovered her kidneys are failing because her kidney enzymes are very high, her blood cells are low which causes fatigue, and she has developed leukopenia (fancy term for: her immune system is weakened and she can't fight infections as well). The doctor starter her on IV fluids and we rushed her over to the pet emergency clinic with the IV running.
The emergency clinic held her all night, kept the fluids running and gave her antibiotics. Her temperature was up and down all night and into today. She appeared more lively this morning when Kelsi picked her up from the Pet ER. Then Kelsi had to take Juliette to the regular vet for her daytime fluids and monitoring.
I visited her this afternoon after my nursing school clinicals. We went on a short walk and she appeared to be more like herself. More smiles and wags. Just not quite herself yet. This afternoon the vet ran her blood work again and she is still abnormal in the same areas but, she has improved somewhat. They said we could take her home for the night.
She was happy to see us but, still very tired. She just laid around while we got our discharge instructions. We were allowed to continue the IV therapy at home because of my work and school training. So now Julies is resting on the couch while her IV infuses.
I think she is happy to be home. She is very sleepy still and we are hoping for the best. It has not been "several years" in my opinion and I am not ready to lose my best friend. I really hope that she pulls through. She is the best dog a small homestead could ever hope for. She protects her chickens, she protects her little sister, she eats all the leftover vegetables, and helps the cat hunt mice in the field. What more could you want in a dog?

Thanks for reading

 It hasn't been several years


JeffJustJeff said...

I'm sending lots of good thoughts to you guys and Juliette. I'll hope for the best. We lost one of ours last year and had close call with a second on Christmas. It's so difficult, but worth every sad moment. I hope everything goes well. She is very lucky to have you.


flowerpower said...

I send you best wishes and prayers that she can get past this and stay with you for a while yet.

Mr. H. said...

So sorry to hear about your dog, hope she makes a swift recovery and is back to being her old self once again soon. She sounds like a wonderful companion to all of you.

chook said...

what a sweet girl. i'm sorry she's so sick.

Anonymous said...

I am so sorry that your sweet friend is ill. Sending healing thoughts. It is so sad when one of our pet friends is not doing well and I hope all turns out well. Hugs to you all.

Mary Ann said...

My heart hurts for you, as we just lost a beloved pet ourselves. Will you let us know how she comes out? She's a beautiful dog, and I know how badly this hurts.

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