Friday, March 12, 2010

Documentary Review: The Botany of Desire

So Kelsi and I recently subscribed to Netflix and it is amazing. Since we started I have gotten a lot of new exposure to documentaries that I didn’t even know about. Recently I watched Food Inc, which Kelsi has already talked about previously, and that was a very moving piece. Last night, I had some down time at work in between the never-ending demands of those who are in poor health and those who are too poor to be in health.

During this time, I watched The Botany of Desire by Michael Pollan. It was very moving and really got me thinking about the impact one can make in the world of plant genetics just in the plants we choose to support. Think about it > Go to the grocery store for your food needs, there are a handful of varieties of apples, a few types of lettuce and really not much selection of anything else to choose from. You can only choose one type of cucumber, zucchini, and most other fruits and vegetables. When in reality the world of plant genetics is just as complicated as humans. Infinite genes, which code for infinite traits, making an infinite variety of apple trees.

What can we do? Planting your flowers and vegetables based upon what is unique and different from what the monoculture farms(Farms that specialize in one type of plant) supply to the grocery store is the best way to ensure the genetic variation from each species of plant. With out genetic variation plants are more susceptible to pests, insects, and mutations through years of genetic replication. Many of these seeds and plants are called heirloom or heritage breeds because they are preserving the diversity of their respective breeds. This is an important part of preserving the biodiversity that big farm and monoculture operations seem to be trying to rid America of.

For more information about how you can do your part check out this link:Sustainability facts thanks for reading, we appreciate the support. Feedback is always welcomed (Negative/positive)

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