Sunday, March 27, 2011

The greenhouse is taking off.

I finally got the door all fixed up for the greenhouse. We have been using a makeshift door for two weeks. Yesterday I got the new one installed. I bought the hard corrugated plastic instead of using the flimsy soft plastic again. Since the door gets abused and slammed by the wind often I opted for something more sturdy. 
It came together pretty well. 
These little lettuce and broccoli starts are starting to look pretty darn good!
Greenhouse 3-26-11
This was taken on Saturday, overcast day, slightly chilly. It's amazing how much warmer it gets in here with a real door!
We have also been cutting strawberry runners from the patch in the garden. We have been putting them into pots to sell.
Most of them are still sleeping from the winter. They are just turning green in the stems. Hopefully they grow as well as the 'mother bush'

Thanks for reading!

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Garage Workbench.

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